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Student Council



As the Headboy of my school, I was responsible for leading a team of 30+ students to organize the following events in front of audiences of 500+ students, teachers, and parents. This included inviting speakers and schools, introducing events, creating activities, holding auditions, making performances, and more.

India Today Cup
19th October

A 2 day national debating championship with 24 participating teams across India.

Voices in Vasant Valley
14th October

A platform for 4 distinguished speakers to inspire students across professions. 

Interhouse Indian Music
30th September

Houses compete across 4 categories to show Indian music proficiency.

2nd September

A 2 day inter-school competition in filmmaking, music production, and more. 

Laissez Faire
29th August

An inter-school competition in Economics, Psychology, Business Studies, and more. 

Aaj Tak Cup
16th August

A 2 day national hindi debating championship with teams across India. 

5th August

An inter-school science competition for grades 9-12 across India.

Interhouse Western Music
20th May

Houses compete across 4 categories to show Western Music proficiency.

Social Science Symposium
22nd April

A platform for speakers to address India's current socio-economic growth trajectory. 

The Reminiscent Route

A celebration of Indian history through personal mementos

We collected 100+ artifacts, posters, and stories from VVS students to document Indian progress over 75 years of independence. The Reminiscent Route was open for over a week and had hundreds of visitors, including parents and alumni. Scroll through some of our noteworthy exhibits!


27th Hwa Chong Youth Leadership Summit

Represented Vasant Valley School and India

I was selected to participate in YF2 at the 27th Hwa Chong YLS in June 2022 as a representative of my school and India. I was involved in finding sustainable solutions to economic problems, and I led a team of over 20 delegates across institutions and nations to reach a consensus on topical issues. We presented our analysis through social-economic fronts and won 2 collaboration awards. 

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